What do you want most for your child?
If your first choices are happiness and health, you’re not alone.
All around the world, without fail, parents choose happiness and health as the two things they want most for their children. These values are always selected before financial, academic, and career success. This makes perfect sense because true success cannot exist without happiness.
This is why Social-Emotional Learning is the most important aspect of your child’s education.

How To Do
A Back-Spin
When Embl is
having a
tough time
learning his
favorite dance
move, Rodro
teaches him
not to give up.
Rodro the Weirdo
What is weird? Weird doesn’t
mean wrong— it just means
different. When Rodro weirds-out
and wins, he realizes different isn’t
bad, it's what makes him matter.
Pick Me Last!
When Pessy gets
picked on and
picked last, she doesn’t get upset, instead, she rises
to the challenge
and reclaims
her respect.
A Good
Day at School
When Rodro
discovers the
thief in his
class he has
to decide what
is more important,
honesty or his pride.
The Sandwich Boy Rescue
When disaster strikes— siblings, parents, and the whole community come together
as one big family to save the day.

Social-Emotion Learning (SEL) is —
the learning that makes all other learning possible.
We do not need to look further than the dwindling grades of a child who is being bullied to see the relationship between a solid social-emotional foundation and academic success.
These five books, along with a program called the ProbSov help children learn in three ways:
First, by introducing them to and engaging them in SEL for their well-being.
Second, by teaching them to use their SEL Skills to learn how to learn.
Third, by teaching them how their SEL Skills help them with all other learning.
Whether a child becomes a professional athlete or a neuroscientist, the true measure of their success will always be happiness and fulfillment. That happiness and fulfillment will be the result of the social-emotional learning, that enabled all of their other learning to flourish.